How much existing Octobasses in the world?

Catalin Rotaru and Thierry Barbé, Feb 2011 MIM, Phoenix

Dear friends, I  had the pleasure to be in february 2011 in Tempe ( AZ), invited by professor Catalin Rotaru in ASU for a master class and recital. I discovered with him the MIM, north Phoenix, a hudge museum about all musics in the world, classified by countries, with many beautiful instruments, each presenting automaticaly audio files in the headset during the visit.

We all know the Vuillaume Octobasse ( 1851)  in The Paris Musée de la Musique, and ist copy from the luthier Pierre Bohr ( Milano) played by Nicola Moneta with many orchestras in Europe. A second copy from Antonio Dattis ( Tarenta) is here in Phoenix.

MIM, octobasse

Here are some videos relative to this octobass:

on videosurf

videosurf again

Dattis on youtube

Nicola Moneta


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